Saturday 21 November 2015

Where did this year go?

Well I have no idea where this year has gone! I've just posted the last card I did in class and I know there is the one from September still to do. Upcoming tomorrow I am doing this festive little number using Tonic dies.

But back to the subject of time.

March - this was when I had radio frequency done on my lower back. It was supposed to make the pain better but instead it has magnified it threefold. It's the same old story 'if I'd known then what I know now'...I'd never have had it done. I used to bad days with a few good days. Now there's only worse days with bad days and the worse thing is pain cannot be seen so to a casual observer you may be having a good day when in fact all you want to do is curl up and sleep because you are so exhausted from the pain. People ask if you are O.K in greeting but they really don't want to hear again how bad a day you're having so you just reply 'yeah, I'm fine'. And I sometimes just want to beat up the people who call you 'speedo' when you're hobbling along or 'Ooo, I know how you feel, I've got backache today' Really! wipee wow! You have no idea!!
Anyway rant over.

May -June Meetings at work about how things are going to be reorganised. How if we don't do an NVQ3 qualification our jobs may be in jeopardy. So a girl has to do, what a girl has to do! get on with it. So I'm unofficially a student again. Studying, writing essays, answering question, and not one sentence answers.

July - August. Summer holidays! yeahhh. Chillaxing, studying, preparing my next 3 card classes and sleeping. Plenty sleeping.

September. Back to School. I must admit the changes are working out better although some things aren't changing fast enough. but on the whole I don't wake up dreading going to work. I just don't like getting up in the cold and the dark now that it's approaching winter. Dragging my never ending butt (now that exercise is not an option) out of a lovely, cosy warm bed.

November - nearly payday and I have no idea where the last 3 weeks have gone never mind the time since March. I did take Sami to look around De Montfort University in Leicester last weekend. 109 miles one way. I came off some of my painkillers because I was so scared I might fall asleep at the wheel but I paid for it walking round and up to this past Thursday (5 days). But another side is I now want to go to University and study Photography. We went to the Photography section and listened to the seminar then had a tour. I didn't see what was so special about some of the work being exhibited and thought "I can do as good as this". We went into a studio with cameras on display, backdrops, lighting tables and motion picture equipment and all I wanted to do was get my hands on it all. Sami meanwhile never broke a smile. SERIOUSLY? not even when she saw the editing room where there were banks and banks of apple Macs.
Well....... maybe one day. I'll win the lottery or some unknown relative will leave me a load of dosh! LOL

And now Christmas is almost upon us and I have no enthusiasm what-so-ever. I just want to hibernate and wake up in the Spring.

2100hrs. Time to go. I still have jobs to do before I turn in for the night.



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